Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Black Scale by Mega

Ok enough LRG for now , im sure people are sick of it lets check out some lesser known brands.

Black Scale by Mega has some fire. This second season of t-shirts focuses on religion and if your religious these shirts are for you and even if you aren't the designs are pretty fucking dope none the less.

"When the Rosary is said properly, power is behind it. Say it with My Divine Son and Me in mind, and ask Me to bring about the true value of this Devotion.. then each bead said well can conquer a host of men." - Mega

Over the centuries, Jewish sages and mystics have taught wonderful lessons based on seeing the exile in Egypt as a metaphor for the soul going down into the body or ego. The act of leaving Egypt is then seen as the act of our soul, the spark of God within us, gaining dominance over narrowly focused material and selfish concerns." -Mega

"One of eight auspicious signs symbolizing the eight-fold paths of Buddhism. The knot, also known as the "mystic dragon." is a symbol of eternity and unity." -Mega

"Shiva is called the Destroyer (of evil), but has also the aspect of regeneration. As destroyer he is dark and terrible, appearing as a naked ascetic accompanied by a train of hideous demons, encircled with serpents and necklaces of skulls." -Mega

"Witchcraft is the oldest known religion (based on archaeological evidence including small Goddess figurines, burial rituals , ivory witchcraft tools and botanical plant remains) and witchcraft is the fastest growing religion in the United States." -Mega

Well as you can see these Black Scale by Mega are pretty dope and I'm definately going to cop the first 2.

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